Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Something different!

Good Morning Everyone!

First of all, please let me apologize for the fact that I am not able to post every day since January is one of the busiest months of the year for our small business.  Since it's just my husband and me, work needs to come first.  I feel blessed to have anyone looking at my blog so please check back every 4-5 days or so - I think I can manage that!

OK - now that that's out of the way let's get on with the fun stuff!  I have been following some other blogs for about a month now and have noticed that I definitely lean toward the creatively crafty!  It is wonderful to see how people come up with ways to thrift, recycle, upcycle, create, color, and generally "build" something beautiful from odds and ends!  I have been adding buttons to my blog (something new I learned this year - thanks Debbie!) to show you just a smidgen of who's out there.  Please pop on over to any of them, as well as clicking on links to the vast amount of other blogs - you will find so many amazingly unique and talented individuals who write funny, interesting and creative blogs and show their awesome art!

Here are just a few things that have held my interest for awhile - making hand-stitched books and turning cigar boxes into jewelry boxes. 

One of my favorite stitches is the caterpillar stitch, which features the coptic stitch integrated with the caterpillar stitch:

There are so many variations on the coptic but this is the basic one:

Here is a "half-hearted" book - a nice little gift-size book:

Here is one of my favorites, made for one of the girls with whom I play Scrabble:

And then there are the cigar boxes, both big and small (note:  I LOVE Stickles!!!  Bring on the bling!!!):


small cigarillo box

inside of small box

One last thing:  I picked up the premiere issue of Pages magazine the other day - yay!!  It's for bookmakers!!  If you enjoy the process of making a handmade book, pick up the mag for inspiration!

Time to run for now - have an amazingly creative day and be thankful for all He does for you!

Warm regards, VG

"Praise the Lord....Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness."
Psalm 150:1a-2

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