Sunday, September 16, 2012

One year later...

Hi everyone - I can't believe it's been a year since this blog was started (in the car on the way from Arizona to Wisconsin - what a trip!).  We have been up to Wisconsin to the annual conference again and, being an avid stalker of bumble bees, here is what I saw:

The mother of all bees I have seen so far!  I estimated it to be about 1 1/4" long - that's a big ol' bee! 

Then I mosied along to the purple hibiscus and pink roses in the garden:

I didn't realize that when I focused my lens down the throat of the hibiscus how amazing it would be!  It's so easy to walk past, say, "That's pretty," and move on.

Finally, when I arrived back in Florida, this guy swooped past me as I was walking my dog:

He was a beauty!

I will leave you with a sunset from August - this was after a storm and the setting I used (for a sunny day) really made it look like the sky was on fire!

To quote from a worship song we sing, "Awesome is the Lord most high!" (thanks, Chris Tomlin!)

Have a beautiful week!!

Fondly, VG

"But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy,
made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions
it is by grace you have been saved."
Ephesians 2:4-5

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Just a little monsoon...

OK - we (about 30 of us) worked out at 6:15 this morning in a monsoon - literally.  Sheets of rain, wind blowing wildly.  That tells you what we think of our trainer!!!!  I have to put a word in for Bo's Fitness Camps because Bob Crosby is, bar none, the BEST trainer around, and we are fortunate enough to have him right here in Naples!!!

After rockin' the workout in the rain,
Dawn (left side) empties her shoe...
Come and check out the class at Fleischman Park in Naples, FL 5 days a week at 6:15 and 8:30 - you'll see what I mean.  And oh yeah - here's the mindset out there (borrowed from Tough Mudder but it applies):
Woohoo!!!!  Have an awesome day!!!

Cheers, VG

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:6

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lovely picture

Hello everyone - I just got an email from a friend and I had to post one of the sayings from it (since I could NOT get the picture to upload properly).  It's about dogs.  Gee, now why would you think I would be interested in that?  :-)  It's just sweet and says a lot in a little space:

Man's Best Friend
"A dog has no use for fancy cars,
big homes, or designer clothes.
A water logged stick will do just fine.
A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor,
clever or dull, smart or dumb.
Give him your heart
and he'll give you his.
How many people can you say that about?
How many people can make you feel
rare and pure and special?
How many people can
make you feel extraordinary?"
                                              - John Grogan

No matter how warm it is, Sammy loves the pool deck!
And then, when I think about the word "extraordinary", and say it with a hyphen (EXTRA-ORDINARY!), I look at that last sentence again and really think about it!  God MADE us extraordinary but somehow early in life we lose the ability to behave that way and/or let our family and friends know that THEY are extraordinary!  Sometimes it takes our dogs to do that!  We should learn from them....

That's all for today.  Of course, I have to leave you with my pictures for the day.  The sun was absolutely beautiful here in SW Florida today and the orchids are in bloom! 

Love that sunshine coming through the petals!  Have a beautiful week everyone! 

xoxo  VG

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him."
1 John 4:16

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Good Morning all!  For those of you looking for some quotes, I stumbled upon this site.  Wow!  I started pinning some of them but decided to just include it in a quick blog post - there are so many good ones and they all take some time to read and digest.  Enjoy!

Love, VG

"...but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A short vacation...

Hi all - sorry it's been awhile - things have been a little crazy here!  Going to take a short vacation and back in about a month or so - happy days until then! 

Oh, OK then - one or two more pictures for the road...!!  :-)

A beautiful painted bunting who comes in each winter with his mate!

The parrots that come in each morning - who knows where they're from?!

My happy flowers - a zinnia about to pop!

A zinnia in full bloom - sunshine on a stem!
All my best to you - God is good!!  Love, VG

"The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."
Psalm 18:2

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Beautiful video!

Hi all - I just watched the most incredible video about pollination - oh my goodness!!!  I love to take macros of bees with pollen but this goes in so much closer still!  God made amazing and beautiful creatures - enjoy this!!

Warmly, VG

"And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds...And it was so....And God saw that it was good."
Genesis 1:24-25

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A fork in the blog road...

Hello all!  This is a different sort of post - hang on to your seat!

Watch this video - it absolutely had my jaw on the ground.  Death-defying, breathtaking, awesomely incredible shots of people doing the most extraordinary things!  These kinds of videos thrill me to pieces.  The fact that people can do these activities (and not die...) brings me close to tears!  I hold my breath, laugh, sigh and struggle to stay seated as I watch some of these people defy the laws of gravity.  (I'm a kayaker and when it got to the shot of the guy at the top of the waterfall I got chills...)  I'm just sayin'... it ain't your momma's arts and crafts in this post...this is BIG time!!!

So...all that said, who wants some ice cream?  =:-)  Woohoo!!

Have a very lovely day!  VG

"Praise the LORD.  Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens."
Psalm 150:1

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Something different!

Good Morning Everyone!

First of all, please let me apologize for the fact that I am not able to post every day since January is one of the busiest months of the year for our small business.  Since it's just my husband and me, work needs to come first.  I feel blessed to have anyone looking at my blog so please check back every 4-5 days or so - I think I can manage that!

OK - now that that's out of the way let's get on with the fun stuff!  I have been following some other blogs for about a month now and have noticed that I definitely lean toward the creatively crafty!  It is wonderful to see how people come up with ways to thrift, recycle, upcycle, create, color, and generally "build" something beautiful from odds and ends!  I have been adding buttons to my blog (something new I learned this year - thanks Debbie!) to show you just a smidgen of who's out there.  Please pop on over to any of them, as well as clicking on links to the vast amount of other blogs - you will find so many amazingly unique and talented individuals who write funny, interesting and creative blogs and show their awesome art!

Here are just a few things that have held my interest for awhile - making hand-stitched books and turning cigar boxes into jewelry boxes. 

One of my favorite stitches is the caterpillar stitch, which features the coptic stitch integrated with the caterpillar stitch:

There are so many variations on the coptic but this is the basic one:

Here is a "half-hearted" book - a nice little gift-size book:

Here is one of my favorites, made for one of the girls with whom I play Scrabble:

And then there are the cigar boxes, both big and small (note:  I LOVE Stickles!!!  Bring on the bling!!!):


small cigarillo box

inside of small box

One last thing:  I picked up the premiere issue of Pages magazine the other day - yay!!  It's for bookmakers!!  If you enjoy the process of making a handmade book, pick up the mag for inspiration!

Time to run for now - have an amazingly creative day and be thankful for all He does for you!

Warm regards, VG

"Praise the Lord....Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness."
Psalm 150:1a-2

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Hello everyone and Happy New Year! 

Just a short post to wish you a year filled with the Lord's awesome goodness, happiness, fine health and abundance beyond what you can imagine! 

Of course, my blog wouldn't be my blog without at least one picture!  So the first picture of the year, as serendipity would have it, is of one of my favorite subjects...guess who showed up on my poinsettias?

How fun is that??  It's a beautiful day here in sunny SW Florida and it couldn't have started out any better than with bees on my flowers!

I live with lots of color and that's just the way I like it!  Here are a few more pics - wahoo!

The poinsettias are a little leggy but still colorful!

On a different note, I finally learned how to put a button on my blog!  Debbiedoo's Blogging and Blabbing has been hosting a newbie party so check out the button to it (to the right > > > > > > > > > > > >)  It's a great way for newbs like me to check out other newbie blogs and support each other as we get up and running!  Thanks for a wonderful idea, Debbie!

One last item:  I follow the Parisienne Farmgirl blog and this morning she made a BIG announcement - she is starting the Parisienne Farmgirl Magazine!!  It's going to be a digital magazine full of all things Parisienne - fashion, delicious recipes, beautiful interiors, and so much more!!  If you are interested in the simple life lived beautifully, check out her blog and the coming e-zine, complete with a big giveaway!  First issue is set to arrive in e-mailboxes April 1, 2012.

That's all for now - have a gorgeous day!!

Warmest wishes, VG

"...the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love."
Psalm 147:11